Wednesday, March 23, 2005

March in Colorado: sunny to snowy in 3 minutes flat

I don't think I've ever been in this position before: I might have won the silver medal in the downhill at nationals, or I might not have... yet. Today was supposed to be the second day of training for the downhill race, but this afternoon snow clouds moved in and quickly erased the sunny, warm weather we had yesterday and this morning. We got the training runs off in time, but if the snow keeps up tonight as forecasted, we may be unable to hold the race tomorrow as forecasted. If we still can't run it Friday or Saturday (in addition to the other races already scheduled for those days), the results of the last two runs of downhill training will count as the race, and I will be in second place. (A further complication: downhill races are usually just one run, but because the Vail race hill is fairly short, we are running a two-run "sprint downhill" where the times are combined, like in GS and slalom.)

In any case, I'm mostly pretty happy with how I've been skiing in training. In yesterday's run I was second behind Chris, and I was second and fourth in today's two runs. My second run today was actually my fastest yet, but Nick and Roger Lee of Winter Park stepped it up and snuck in between Chris and me. Still, my combined time from the two runs today was second-fastest.

I'm listening to the new album by Queens of the Stone Age. It rocks.


benderbro said...

Loved "R", loved "Deaf" especially with Grohl on drums, can't wait to hear the new one!

benderbro said...

nice job on the silver, even if you don't get it