Saturday, January 01, 2005

so this is the new year / and i don't feel any different

Bad weather in Utah... our two days of pre-race training here in Park City (live cams) have been a total washout. It's hardly stopped snowing since Wednesday, the day before we arrived. Add in high winds and a total lack of grooming or preparation on the race hill, and it was just impossible to get in any gate training, so we've been freeskiing a bit. I'm wishing I had brought my powder skis with me. Tomorrow we're supposed to run a slalom, with a GS and a super G to follow on Monday and Tuesday. With talk of even more weather rolling in, it seems unlikely right now that we'll pull off more than one or two of the races.

In Park City, we stay at the National Ability Center's dorms. They are very new and super-swanky. Last night eight of us went out to this really good Thai place. We vegetarians (Nick, Hannah and I) split the Spicy Mint Noodles and the Panaang Curry and ordered them "black diamond-spicy"; I highly recommend both.

In honor of the wintry weather, here's a link to The Onion's Winterizing Tips.

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