Monday, January 23, 2006

when in korea...

eat as the Koreans do, I suppose, but I'm having trouble following that advice. The food in our hotel just plain sucks.

When we finally arrived from Tokyo last night around 1:00 am, some of us found that our bags had not arrived with us. This was especially unpleasant news for me and Tyler, who were missing our monoskis. As a result, we had to sit out today's slalom race. (Full results here.) Despite our team's racing on literally no sleep (we arrived at our hotel around 5 am, and the lift opened at 7:30), we did pretty well: Chris was second in my class, Jonezy won the women's stand-ups, Stephani was second in the women's monos, and Monte was third in the women's stand-ups.

I'm anticipating the arrival of my monoski sometime in the next few hours and hoping to race in tomorrow's GS.

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