Sunday, January 11, 2009


My monoski and skis still haven't arrived from Air France, and it's seeming less and less likely that I'll get to race tomorrow here in La Molina.

I'm trying to put this in perspective... I'm in a beautiful place in the Pyrenees with some great people. My bags have made it to Marseille, which means I will get them sometime in the next day or two and be able to race eventually. And the world will go on.

And still, the feeling of frustration at this point is pretty overwhelming. I know that paying $550 in excess baggage charges doesn't guarantee that my luggage will arrive on time, but it's hard not to feel swindled.


Richie Jay said...

$550 in excess baggage charges?! I think I once flew to Barcelona and back for approximately that sum. Hope your stuff arrives today.

Sam R said...

That's crazy. Hopefully they figure out how to get it to you quickly!

And $550 is ridiculous!