Monday, August 13, 2007

what is g.o.p.?

On the Brooklyn-based neo-Afrobeat group Antibalas' awesome 2007 release, Security, is a 12-minute slab of funk called "Filibuster XXX." After seven frantic, instrumental minutes, West African-accented vocalist Amayo starts in with some of the funniest stream-of-consciousness political musings ever committed to wax:
What is G.O.P., class?
Let us examine the cronynynynynism:
Is it Greedy Old People, class?
Is it Guilty Of Purjury?
Or, let's try this one...
How about Gas, Oil and Plutonium?

It would be fun to keep going...
  • Guns Offer Protection?
  • Generating Offshore Profits?
  • Grumbling Over Palestine?
  • Governator Obliterating Priuses?

Well, class, what is G.O.P.? Can you add to the list?

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