Wednesday, September 27, 2006

USDST bios

The 2006-07 U.S. Disabled Ski Team still has yet to be officially announced, but I noticed that USSA does have our new bios up over at (If you're a regular reader of this site but some of the names look unfamiliar, that's because they lumped the disabled nordic team in with us on that list.) I guess mine is okay, but they always seem to think I've been on the team for a year less than I actually have. (They forgot to list me as a 2002 Paralympian, too.) And then there are a few of the usual typos, of course...

In other news, I've been doing some contributing to Wikipedia lately. Some of the articles written mostly by me are Paralympic alpine skiing, United States at the 2006 Winter Paralympics, Mexico at the 2006 Winter Paralympics, IPC Disabled Alpine World Cup, Disabled Alpine Skiing World Championships, Monoski, Chris Devlin-Young, Seekonk (band), and Phantom Buffalo.


Richie Jay said...

The link to the monoski wikipedia entry only talks about the snowboard-like standing monoski. It doesn't talk about a sitting monoski like the one you use. Did someone remove your edits?

Jared Alessandroni said...

No image available on the bio? The world is being deprived once again...

Unknown said...

Yep, Richie, it looks like that's exactly what happened. I hate that. I just reverted it to my version.